Help bring music to our community

The people of our community are the heart of the entire Band Shell program.  The original Band Shell structure was built with financial contributions as well as the donation of materials and labor from community organizers. 

Gathering a mix of amateur and professional performers, the Committee looks to the local community for potential acts as they plan the upcoming season. Committee members are always interested in your show suggestions.

With the continued financial support of the many generous donors, the Band Shell Entertainment Committee plans each season's programs.  The annual entertainment budget is $25,000 - $30,000.

While a patronage drive is conducted each spring, contributions are graciously accepted at any time.  The Band Shell Patronage Program was designed with a level of giving to suit anyone's budget.  Some donors make more than one contribution during the year, allowing them to make a greater impact on our season without an impact on their pocketbook.

At each level of contribution, donors receive added "perks" in the form of free or discounted ‘flex passes’.  Here is a complete explanation of our Patronage Program:

Patronage & Membership Program

To become a patron of the Pigeon Band Shell, use the online order form to select your patronage level and pay online.

If you prefer to pay in person or by mail, use the “Print Form” button below to download a donor form. Print and complete the form, then mail it with the appropriate funds to the Pigeon Band Shell.

Purchase Online

Partner: $500 : 10 FREE Flex Passes

Advocate: $250 : 5 FREE Flex Passes

Benefactor: $100 : 2 FREE Flex Passes

Patron: $75 : 1 FREE Flex Pass

Contributor: $50 : Up to 2 Flex Passes at 50% off

Friend: $25 : Buy up to 2 Flex Passes at 25% off

Corporate Patronage Program

To become a corporate patron of the Pigeon Band Shell, use the online order form to select your corporate patronage level and pay online.

If you prefer to pay in person or by mail, use the “Print Form” button below to download a donor form. Print and complete the form, then mail it with the appropriate funds to the Pigeon Band Shell.

Purchase Online

Corporate Partner$5000 : 30 FREE Flex Passes

Corporate Advocate: $2500 : 20 FREE Flex Passes

Corporate Benefactor: $1000 : 10 FREE Flex Passes